Mittwoch, 9. September 2015

my experiences with pond5

Pond5 is the biggest online market for video footage and offer for sale a lot of other media files, like after effect projects, images and music too. They have a big community and a lot of files.

My pond5 profile

Any currently data of pond5:

Users with clips: 53268
AVG price of all clips online: $50.91
AVG price of sold clips: $32.28
AVG price of clips sold >1 time: $33.42
The best track have more than 110 sales per month here
At this time are 374.243 music files online on pond5. 

the currently data of pond5 you can see  here

My own status on pond5

Now I'm 8 weeks on pond5 and have currently 35 music tracks online. For a beginner like me it isn't easy to get views and sales on pond5. After 8 weeks I have nearly 100 views, 1/3 of my music tracks have no views and no item sale yet. In the forum of pond5 I red that many authors the first 6 month has no sales and the first sale was after 50-80 items online on pond5.

My impression

On pond5 it is easy to upload a new track. You make a track and with java or with ftp you can upload. You have to wait any minutes than your audio file has the pond5 watermark and than you can make your description, choose your tags from a list or write your own tags and send it for a review. Mostly a reviewer needs only 1 day for an approve or a reject. I have had 5 rejects so far. "...we currently have plenty of tracks of the similar type and we're not confident that yours will sell."



- fast reviews of the uploaded files
- you don't need to set the watermark of pond5 into the files
- you can choose the price for the file you will sell (audio track min 15$, effects min. 2$)
- they have a good community
- you get an e mail after every sale


- the sound of the audio preview files is really bad
- for beginners it's hard to get attention on pond5

What's next?

I love to make music and will go on. In the end of the year I will take a look if I'll stay on pond5.

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