Samstag, 15. August 2015

not a good day for composing? Here any tips

Some days don't seem to be the best for composing. No new ideas for music or sounds. All attempts do not work. One or two hours you try everything but without good results.

Such a day seems to be for me today. No good ideas today and the worst my PC chrashed.

ok that was enough for me for now.

What helps against that?

1. drink a coffee and smoke a cigarette
2. often I do something completely different - reading, clean up the apartement, shopping, play with    my daughter or my cat etc.
3. after 1 or 2 hours I begin again to think of composing
4. when I have no good ideas I listen to other music or read about other composers or musicians
5. sometimes I analyze good tracks, listen to every instrument separately, try to find out which sounds work fine together..and so on

And then...

mostly I have ideas for new tracks

Do you have other ideas?

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